It’s the Most Embarrassing Time….of the Year…

So the majority leader of the Senate is nearing indictment and so the Senate changes the rules and says now that it’s alright for members to be under indictment just as long as they are not convicted. Of course, DeLay is moaning on about how it’s the insidious scheming of the Democrats that “caused” the indictment in the first place.

Okay, so it’s like this: The Republicans are all going to vote for issues that Republicans decide are appropriate and the Democrats are going to do the same with a Democratic agenda. Further, the Republicans and Democrats seem to have embraced the vicious vindictiveness of nine year-old children playing in a schoolyard recess and so vote en bloc against whichever proposals the “other side” might put on the table. Right? Right. So, why are we spending billions of dollars a year in salaries and expense accounts on a Congress that represents only two points of view? Why are we spending this much money just so two groups of aging adolescents can spite each other? Why are we giving any time, respect and votes to these people who have “somehow” managed to place us all in the position of financing what is arguably the most expensive game of “King of the Hill” in the history of the United States? What possible good can come to the rest of us from decisions made by such people, other than by happenstance? How, in the name of God, did we become so stupid. When, exactly, did we fall asleep and let this happen? It would be of great benefit, I think, “to ourselves and our posterity”, to figure this one out.

Truthfully, I have to think that if being an American means being this abysmally stupid, maybe it’s time to formulate an exit strategy.

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